Thoughts on what luck is, how one becomes a favorite of fortune, and how to avoid being caught in the wheels of someone else's fortune.
There are so many twists and turns in this financial world! A whole labyrinth of underground currents! A little foresight, a little calculation, a bit of luck - time and chance are what mostly determine the outcome and to help you in casino games online.
— Theodore Dreiser, American writer and public figure
Those who dare to act usually find themselves lucky; on the contrary, those who only weigh and hesitate rarely succeed.
— Herodotus, ancient Greek historian
Be more careful not to get caught in the wheels of someone else's fortune.
— Stanisław Jerzy Lec, Polish poet, philosopher
It is known that the most unpleasant and capricious people, if satisfied, can be tamed, at least temporarily. Foma Fomich, on the other hand, grew even more foolish in moments of luck, raising his nose higher and higher.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian writer
If a person does not believe in luck, they have a meager life experience.
— Joseph Conrad, English writer
My comrades do not need luck!
My comrades will achieve their goals!
— Bella Akhmadulina, Soviet and Russian poetess
Happiness also requires a bit of chance.
— Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher
I broke a mirror, and now I haven't seen luck for seven years, but my lawyer assures me he can reduce the term to five.
— Stephen Wright, American actor and writer
Of course, I don't believe that a horseshoe brings luck. But I've heard that it helps regardless of whether you believe in it or not.
— Niels Bohr, Danish theoretical physicist and public figure
A noble man awaits the commands of Heaven with dignity. A lowly person eagerly waits for luck.
— Confucius, ancient Chinese philosopher
Once in a lifetime, Fortune knocks on every person's door, but at that time, a person often sits in the nearest tavern and hears no knocking.
— Mark Twain, American writer
Whom luck favors, they suddenly become foolish.
— Publilius Syrus, Roman mime poet
For a long time, I just tried to write to the limit of my abilities. But sometimes luck smiled at me, and I wrote better than I could.
— Ernest Hemingway, American writer
Misfortune does not come alone, but neither does luck.
— Romain Rolland, French writer
But that's the nature of love and the way the world is arranged:
Who has earned happiness, has no need of luck,
But a fool, on the other hand, has no lack of refusal.
— Pierre de Ronsard, French poet
Failures believe in luck, while successful people believe in themselves.
— Alfred Daniel-Brun
He who believes in his luck, is lucky.
— Friedrich Hebbel, German playwright
Sometimes, everything goes well. Don't be alarmed, it will pass.
— Jules Renard, French writer
The swift may not get a successful run, the brave may not win, the wise may not get bread, and the intelligent may not get wealth, but time and chance apply to them all.
The Bible, Eccl. 9: 11