If God hath loved me once, then He will love me forever. – Charles Spurgeon
charles spurgeon
To risk all with Jesus is to end all risk.
To risk all with Jesus is to end all risk. – Charles Spurgeon
There may be some sins of which a man cannot speak…
There may be some sins of which a man cannot speak, but there is no sin which the blood of Christ cannot wash away. – Charles Spurgeon
You stand before God as if you were Christ…
You stand before God as if you were Christ, because Christ stood before God as if he were you. – Charles Spurgeon
In the midst of our triumphs, let us cry to God for humility.
In the midst of our triumphs, let us cry to God for humility. – Charles Spurgeon
God doesn’t allow His children to sin successfully.
God doesn’t allow His children to sin successfully. – Charles Spurgeon