Be humble or be humbled. There’s no in between. – Jackie Hill Perry
Humble people make grace look easy.
Humble people make grace look easy. – Bob Goff
The truly wise are humble because they know they still have so much to learn.
The truly wise are humble because they know they still have so much to learn. – Don Whitney
To worship God is to humble everything about ourselves…
To worship God is to humble everything about ourselves and exalt everything about him. – Bob Kauflin
The prayer of a Christian is not an attempt to force God’s hand…
The prayer of a Christian is not an attempt to force God’s hand, but a humble acknowledgement of helplessness and dependence. – J.I. Packer
We were given the Scriptures to humble us into realizing that God is right…
We were given the Scriptures to humble us into realizing that God is right, and the rest of us are just guessing. – Rich Mullins