The Only People November 21, 2015 The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie.
A lie can travel half-way November 23, 2015 A lie can travel half-way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. -Charles Spurgeon
The most difficult lie December 4, 2015 The most difficult lie I have ever contended with is this: life is a story about me. — Donald Miller
We are made in the image of God November 23, 2015 We are made in the image of God; we carry with us the desire for our true life of intimacy and adventure. To say we want less than that is to lie. — John Eldredge
Fear is a manipulative emotion December 11, 2015 Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life. — Donald Miller