God works things out on his timetable to bring the best results for us too. – Alan Robertson
Pray with guaranteed results
How do we pray so that we are guaranteed results?
We pray for the Lord’s will to be done. It’s that simple…and complex. So we leave aside those prayers for fame and fortune, ease and peace, and pray instead with our mind set on what the Lord wants for us. Does He want us to grow in love? Let us pray that we are given the opportunity to develop that fruit of the spirit. This may mean being unjustly persecuted by loved ones or strangers, this may mean admitting we’re wrong countless times, this may mean watching someone we love struggle, it may mean sacrificing time or money to those who may need it more than we. These are the things we not only accept when we pray to have the Lord develop love in us, these are the things we will cherish once He has accomplished His work in us.
When we pray with our mind and desire on God’s will for us, our prayers will be answered every time.