If the devil can’t lure us to do evil, he is content to occupy our minds with things that don’t matter.
Truth, right and goodness isn’t subjective
Lies don’t become truth, wrongs don’t become right, evils don’t become good. Even if they’ve become acceptable to the majority.
Watch – Professor says God is evil, child disproves him.
This is said to be a true story of Albert Einstein’s childhood, as he disproved his professor’s declaration that if God exists, surely He is evil. Whether that is true or not, the message and truth in the video is eye opening and fills you with a sense of triumph as you begin to see Einstein’s point.
The cross meant for evil
The cross meant for evil is my victory!
Lies don’t become truth
Lies don’t become truth, wrongs don’t become right, evils don’t become good. Even if they’ve become acceptable to the majority.