Anyone who believes they are entitled to something from God, know the adversary has put that thought in you, not the Holy Spirit. – Thom Rainer
holy spirit
There is no possibility of being emotionally healthy without a deep intimate…
There is no possibility of being emotionally healthy without a deep intimate personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. – Mark Driscoll
We need power to comprehend the love of God because…
We need power to comprehend the love of God because we need power to comprehend God. – Jackie Hill Perry
The key to a victorious Christian life? Don’t just live for Christ…
The key to a victorious Christian life? Don’t just live for Christ, let Christ live through you! – Mark Driscoll
Worship is a believing heart’s response to the work of the Holy Spirit…
Worship is a believing heart’s response to the work of the Holy Spirit, not an emotional response to the quality of the music. – Matthew Westerholm
The gospel is true, but it is the Holy Spirit who makes it vivid to the soul.
The gospel is true, but it is the Holy Spirit who makes it vivid to the soul. – Milton Vincent