God’s promise is sure, there will be a final end to violence, suffering and sin and righteousness and peace will reign forever and ever. – Paul David Tripp
If God said it he will do it He who promised is faithful the end.
If God said it he will do it He who promised is faithful the end.– Christine Caine
If you are in deep waters today cling to this promise. You will not be overwhelmed.
If you are in deep waters today cling to this promise. You will not be overwhelmed. – Jack Graham
Praise will lift your perspective to see God’s promise in your problem.
Praise will lift your perspective to see God’s promise in your problem. – Steven Furtick
God’s faithfulness means that God will always do what He said…
God’s means that God will always do what He said and fulfill what He has promised. – Wayne Grudem
Every promise God ever made is yours for the taking…
Every promise God ever made is yours for the taking, because they’re made by One who is in complete control and who cannot lie. – Paul David Tripp