A troubled person is a person to love, not a problem to fix. And people often change slowly and struggle deeply. – David Powlison
Singleness is not a problem to be solved.
Singleness is not a problem to be solved. – Stacy Reaoch
Apathy is a bigger problem than atheism for Christianity.
Apathy is a bigger problem than atheism for Christianity. – Timothy Keller
Praise will lift your perspective to see God’s promise in your problem.
Praise will lift your perspective to see God’s promise in your problem. – Steven Furtick
Got a problem? Comfort yourself with the truth that God has already prepared the solution.
Got a problem? Comfort yourself with the truth that God has already prepared the solution. – Greg Surratt
Our problem is not that we don’t have light…
Our problem is not that we don’t have light, but that we love the darkness. – John Piper