When life is uncertain and the world seems topsy-turvy, consider Jesus’s words: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” – Tim Challies
The beauty of heaven is seeing God.
We may speak about a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but those are just the benefits of heaven. The beauty of heaven is seeing God. – Max Lucado
Jesus died and arose to give us a fruitful life
Jesus died and arose to give us a fruitful life – not a fruitless one! – Romans 6
Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray…
Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray. He did not speak much of what was needed to preach well, but much of praying well. – Andrew Murray
My heart hurts for you
If you’re a church person and not a Jesus person, my heart hurts for you. It’s like being engaged and never getting married. It’s miserable. – Matt Chandler
As you walk through the valley of the unknown…
As you walk through the valley of the unknown, you will find the footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you. – Charles Stanley