When life is uncertain and the world seems topsy-turvy, consider Jesus’s words: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” – Tim Challies
Tim Challies
Just a single sin left in your life is as dangerous as a…
Just a single sin left in your life is as dangerous as a single rattlesnake left in your bed. – Tim Challies
Live before your children in such a way that you can say not only…
Live before your children in such a way that you can say not only “Do what I say” but “Do what I do.”. – Tim Challies
The most fitting response to a powerful sermon is not…
The most fitting response to a powerful sermon is not, “What a great preacher!” but “What a great God!”. – Tim Challies
Those days you feel like you just need a break from church…
Those days you feel like you just need a break from church are probably the days you most need to just go to church. – Tim Challies
Accountability does not work where sin is only ever discovered or admitted.
Accountability does not work where sin is only ever discovered or admitted. Accountability depends upon confession. – Tim Challies