Falling in love with the symbol rather than the substance will for sure lead to a crisis of faith. – Jason Emmanuel Petty
Every religion has a prophet who is pointing people to God…
Every religion has a prophet who is pointing people to God. Jesus is the only one who says, “I am God, and I am coming to find you.” -Tim Keller
Jesus spoke truth to power to confront empty religion more than corrupt government.
Jesus spoke truth to power to confront empty religion more than corrupt government. – H.B. Charles Jr.
Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the…
Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God. – Bruce Shelley
Jesus is the only one who says, “I am God, and I am coming to find you.”
Every religion has a prophet who is pointing people to God. Jesus is the only one who says, “I am God, and I am coming to find you.” – Tim Keller
Passion intensity about the details of religion
Passion intensity about the details of religion is worse than useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. – D.A. Carson