So long as Jesus Christ is there, in heaven before God for us, our salvation will last. – Sinclair Ferguson
We have in Christ what we have lost in Adam.
We have in Christ what we have lost in Adam. – John Calvin
Parents, there is no need to scare your kids into salvation.
Parents, there is no need to scare your kids into salvation. – Jamie Ivey
Being raised from the dead is never boring…
Being raised from the dead is never boring. Therefore every Christian has a stunning testimony. – John Piper
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. – Psalm 13:5
Sometimes this is all I know: I was going to hell and now I’m not. Hallelujah, Jesus saves.
Sometimes this is all I know: I was going to hell and now I’m not. Hallelujah, Jesus saves. – Beth Moore