The Christian husband displays what he thinks of Christ by the way he treats his wife. – John MacArthur
God has left nothing to chance, but all things to Christ.
God has left nothing to chance, but all things to Christ. – Scotty Smith
Humility isn’t pretending to be humble so other will take notice of us…
Humility isn’t pretending to be humble so other will take notice of us but forgetting ourselves so others will see Christ. – Burk Parsons
True discipleship
True discipleship involves deep relationships. Jesus didn’t simply lead a weekly Bible study. He lived life with His disciples and taught through actions as well as words. -Francis Chan
There’s more to me than just this jersey I wear
There’s more to me than just this jersey I wear, and that’s Christ living insIde of me. – Stephen Curry
There is no “and” in the gospel. There is faith in what Christ has done plus…
There is no “and” in the gospel. There is faith in what Christ has done plus *nothing else* that saves. – J.D. Greear