I love God more than what I am tempted by. – Jackie Hill Perry
True discipleship
True discipleship involves deep relationships. Jesus didn’t simply lead a weekly Bible study. He lived life with His disciples and taught through actions as well as words. -Francis Chan
Expect great things from God
Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God. – William Carey
It is often in the process of obedience that character is formed.
It is often in the process of obedience that character is formed. – Steven Furtick
You should be committed to obedience, but your obedience is…
You should be committed to obedience, but your obedience is not your hope, God’s grace is. – Paul David Tripp
Choose to love even when you don’t feel like it. Obedience often precedes affection.
Choose to love even when you don’t feel like it. Obedience often precedes affection. – Jackie Hill Perry