The gospel is stronger than the greatest power in the world. – J.D. Greear
J.D. Greear
There is no “and” in the gospel. There is faith in what Christ has done plus…
There is no “and” in the gospel. There is faith in what Christ has done plus *nothing else* that saves. – J.D. Greear
We no longer labor to gain an identity, because we’ve been given one through Christ.
We no longer labor to gain an identity, because we’ve been given one through Christ. – J.D. Greear
We are not called to grow an audience but to care for Christ’s bride.
We are not called to grow an audience but to care for Christ’s bride. – J.D. Greear
Your suffering may feel to you like a dark night of the soul…
Your suffering may feel to you like a dark night of the soul, but God is working in it the power of resurrection. – J.D. Greear
Fruitfulness matters, but the only road there is through consistent faithfulness.
Fruitfulness matters, but the only road there is through consistent faithfulness. – J.D. Greear