The sheep that gets picked off by the wolf, is always the one who has distanced himself from the Shepherd. – Corky Calhoun
How crushing must it be for the Shepherd to pour living water…
How crushing must it be for the Shepherd to pour living water, only to then watch the sheep just sip? – Corky Calhoun
Let it sink in that your soul has a Shepherd. Your soul has an Overseer.
Let it sink in that your soul has a Shepherd. Your soul has an Overseer.. – John Piper
The leader who lives first to feed the people lives dependent upon God.
The leader who lives first to feed the people lives dependent upon God. – Dan Reiland
We are not called to grow an audience but to care for Christ’s bride.
We are not called to grow an audience but to care for Christ’s bride. – J.D. Greear
A pastor’s heart is not manifest in how good a man is at petting sheep…
A pastor’s heart is not manifest in how good a man is at petting sheep. It is in how capable a man is at protecting them from wolves. – John MacArthur