It’s hard to shine with the light of Christ when you’re still clinging so tightly to the darkness. – Corky Calhoun
Being radiant for Christ is not a feeling, or something we do…
Being radiant for Christ is not a feeling, or something we do, it’s supposed to be who we are all the time. – Corky Calhoun
It’s not the light that has an expiration date…
It’s not the light that has an expiration date. It’s the darkness that has an expiration date. – Mika Edmondson
Let your face shine upon me, uphold me, and give me peace.
Let your face shine upon me, uphold me, and give me peace. – Fay Angus
The flame of worship
When the flame of worship burns with the heat of God’s true worth, the light of missions will shine to the darkest peoples on earth. – John Piper
Light shine through wall
Light can only shine through a wall if it’s broken.