Your suffering may feel to you like a dark night of the soul, but God is working in it the power of resurrection. – J.D. Greear
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world…
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? – Mark 8:36
There is justice in hell, but sin is the most unjust thing. It would rob God of his glory…
There is justice in hell, but sin is the most unjust thing. It would rob God of his glory, Christ of his purchase, the soul of its happiness. – Thomas Watson
The soul is measured by its flights, some low and others high…
The soul is measured by its flights, some low and others high, the heart is known by its delights, and pleasures never lie. – John Piper
No matter how dark our past, though black as midnight…
No matter how dark our past, though black as midnight, when the God’s grace shines into our souls, it dispels all darkness. – Steven Lawson
There are no chains on earth to keep a liberated soul bound.
There are no chains on earth to keep a liberated soul bound. – Lecrae