The greatest thing about heaven is being with the Lord. – Ligon Duncan
Christ alone heals our fractured hearts, and bridges the gap…
Christ alone heals our fractured hearts, and bridges the gap that tears us so far from heaven. – Kathryn Butler
Not only did He save me from hell but He now leads me…
Not only did He save me from hell but He now leads me toward heaven – Jason Powell
The world’s principle: You must be the greatest. Kingdom principle: You must be the least.
The world’s principle: You must be the greatest. Kingdom principle: You must be the least. – Brian Dye
Heaven is not for good people. Heaven is for forgiven people.
Heaven is not for good people. Heaven is for forgiven people. – Greg Laurie
The local church isn’t a piece of the heavenly church…
The local church isn’t a piece of the heavenly church-like a tiny chunk is broken off a big cookie. Instead, it’s a miniature realization of the whole heavenly thing. – Bernard N. Howard