My sin was deep, but His grace was deeper. – Shane Pruitt
Don’t fear
Don’t fear, for God is with you. Don’t hate, for your true enemy is not visible, but invisible. -Scott Sauls
Sometimes the greatest act of faith is faithfulness staying where you’re planted.
Sometimes the greatest act of faith is faithfulness staying where you’re planted. – Craig Groeschel
Every other religion in the world
Every other religion in the world is the religion of “Do,” but Christianity alone is the religion of “Done.” – Mark Dever
God’s commands are as much for our protection as they are for our guidance.
God’s commands are as much for our protection as they are for our guidance. – Corky Calhoun
Hallelujah, name above all. Simply to speak Your name is praise.
Hallelujah, name above all. Simply to speak Your name is praise. – All Sons & Daughters