A world is coming that has no tombs, graves, or cemeteries. – Tony Reinke
We have an allergy against any serious discussion of the doctrine of hell.
We have an allergy against any serious discussion of the doctrine of hell. – R.C. Sproul
If we want to make it in church planting, we must have eyes to see beyond…
If we want to make it in church planting, we must have eyes to see beyond the temporary to the horizon of eternity. – Alex Tunnicliff
Surely none are so mad as those who are content to live unprepared to die.
Surely none are so mad as those who are content to live unprepared to die. – J.C. Ryle
If God answered all your prayers, would it change the world or just change you?
If God answered all your prayers, would it change the world or just change you? – Chris Hodges
You never know the ripple that will touch the shore of eternity when you…
You never know the ripple that will touch the shore of eternity when you drop that stone of grace into somebody’s heart. – Adrian Rogers