No one can be saved until they know they are lost. No one believes the good news until they know the bad news. – Dr. Steven J. Lawson
good news
The good news is not that Jesus will heal all of your sicknesses now…
The good news is not that Jesus will heal all of your sicknesses now; the good news is that He will forgive you of your sins forever. – David Platt
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things.
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things. – Romans 10:17
Grace is not natural to us, and so the gospel remains news…
Grace is not natural to us, and so the gospel remains news even for those of us who have followed Christ for years. – J.D. Greear
The gospel isn’t advice, instructions, threats, or warnings…
The gospel isn’t advice, instructions, threats, or warnings. It’s the good news of victory of all God has done through Christ by the Spirit. – Burk Parsons
Even on our worst days, we still serve a Great God who is on our side…
Even on our worst days, we still serve a Great God who is on our side, and whose grace is sufficient for us. That’s good news. – Isaac Pittman