When my thirst for joy is satisfied by Christ, sin becomes unattractive. – Randy Alcorn
Randy Alcorn
Wherever God is not, there is hell.
Wherever God is not, there is hell. – Randy Alcorn
The best part of heaven will be knowing and enjoying God.
The best part of heaven will be knowing and enjoying God. – Randy Alcorn
God’s truths are not bricks to throw at people. They are bread to feed people.
God’s truths are not bricks to throw at people. They are bread to feed people. – Randy Alcorn
All your little choices matter…
All your little choices matter. You will be tomorrow what you are becoming today. – Randy Alcorn
The Gospel’s good news
The gospel’s Good News: in the end, happiness, not sorrow, has the last word—and it will have the last word forever. -Randy Alcorn