A healthy relationship with a local church is like a healthy marriage. It only work when grounded in the selfish commitment and non-consumerist covenant. – Brett McCraken
We never grow closer to God when we just live life.
We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness. – Francis Chan
Giving jump-starts our relationship with God
Giving jump-starts our relationship with God. It opens our fists so we can receive what God has for us. – Randy Alcorn
Sometimes God will expose the flaws in a relationship
Sometimes God will expose the flaws in a relationship….to motivate us to move away from something that is toxic to us. – David Alan Campbell
Grace when worked out
Grace when worked out in our finances, looks like generosity. In our homes, it looks like hospitality. In our relationships, forgiveness. -Andrew Wilson
You don’t know yourself
You don’t know yourself unless you know yourself in relationship to God. -Timothy Keller