Our culture is so fixated on dying and going to heaven when the whole Scripture is about heaven coming to earth. – N.T. Wright
Follow God’s Word instead of your feelings. If the Scripture says it is wrong, it is.
Follow God’s Word instead of your feelings. If the Scripture says it is wrong, it is. – Tim Keller
We shouldn’t be colorblind, because God doesn’t erase…
We shouldn’t be colorblind, because God doesn’t erase these distinctions in Scripture, and because they endure into eternity. – Timothy Paul Jones
I am convinced reading Scripture without living it is a waste of time…
I am convinced reading Scripture without living it is a waste of time. It’s just information without application. – Corky Calhoun
The Bible will not give its riches to those who will not dig.
The Bible will not give its riches to those who will not dig. – John Piper
It’s not enough to just read the Bible. We must surrender…
It’s not enough to just read the Bible. We must surrender to what the Scripture says about everything. – Greg Laurie