How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? – Penn Jillette (Atheist)
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Don’t waste your time explaining yourself to people…
Don’t waste your time explaining yourself to people who really don’t want to understand. – Lisa Bevere
Happy indeed is that Church whose members not only desire to reach heaven…
Happy indeed is that Church whose members not only desire to reach heaven themselves, but desire also to take others with them. – J.C. Ryle
Hoarded joy rots.
Hoarded joy rots. – John Piper
The early church didn’t say, “Look what the world is coming to!” They said…
The early church didn’t say, “Look what the world is coming to!” They said, “Look what has come into the world!” – Carl Henry
Many Christians love evangelism as long as someone else is doing it.
Many Christians love evangelism as long as someone else is doing it. – Ed Stetzer