Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior. – John Newton
Love the sinner but hate the sin?
Love the sinner but hate the sin? Even better: Love the sinner but hate your own sin. – Rosaria Butterfield
The gospel is open to all; the most respectable sinner…
The gospel is open to all; the most respectable sinner has no more claim on it than the worst. -Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The grace that saves the sinner is the power that must supply the sinner.
The grace that saves the sinner is the power that must supply the sinner. – Jerry Wragg
Lay your shame at the feet of a savior
Lay your shame at the feet of a savior who came for sinners. – Beth Moore
If you see yourself
If you see yourself as a little sinner you will inevitably see Jesus as a little savior. -Martin Luther