Denial’s the oldest trick in the book: to so rigorously, loudly preoccupy ourselves with the war around us that we ignore the war within us. -Beth Moore
Beth Moore
Courage comes from a heart that is convinced it is loved
Courage comes from a heart that is convinced it is loved. – Beth Moore
Good humor and laughter are far too wonderful
Good humor and laughter are far too wonderful not to come straight from the heart of God. – Beth Moore
“Everybody who’s not Jesus shut up.”
There comes a time to get your own Bible out & shout to the rest of the world at the top of your lungs, “Everybody who’s not Jesus shut up.” – Beth Moore
Odd how harsh times
Odd how harsh times recalibrate our gratitude. Small gifts are trash to spoiled brats but to the poor in spirit every trinket is solid gold. -Beth Moore
We don’t have to have
We don’t have to have matching plates to sit at the same table as long as Christ is at the head. -Beth Moore