If our churches don’t pray what does it matter how many are attending the services? – Jim Cymbala
The church changes the world not by making converts but by…
The church changes the world not by making converts but by making disciples. – John Wesley
Who is in more danger, the persecuted or the comfortable?
Who is in more danger, the persecuted or the comfortable? – Kevin Burgess (KB)
Discipleship isn’t just one of the things the church does…
Discipleship isn’t just one of the things the church does; it is what the church does. – Bill Hull
A healthy relationship with a local church is like a healthy marriage…
A healthy relationship with a local church is like a healthy marriage. It only work when grounded in the selfish commitment and non-consumerist covenant. – Brett McCraken
Imagine if we all acted right…
Imagine if we all acted right, did good deeds, recycled, helped each other, went to church…but didn’t treasure Jesus. Satan would love it. – Jared Wilson