We may never know the treacherous journey people have taken to land in the pew next to us. – Rosaria Butterfield
Jesus did not say that the whole world should go to church.
Jesus did not say that the whole world should go to church. Essentially He said that the church should go to the world. – Greg Laurie
To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer.
To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer. – Martin Luther
Most people want to see authenticity
Most people want to see authenticity, not experience a perfect church service attended by people projecting perfect and problem-free lives. – Mez McConnell
The church is not a museum for pristine saints
The church is not a museum for pristine saints, but a hospital ward for broken sinners. – Timothy Keller