Men who don’t lead their families to worship are typically not leading their families at all. – Burk Parsons
There are too many men
There are too many men who are ministers before they know how to be Christians. – Richard Baxter
Prayer is the grandest power
My own soul’s conviction is that prayer is the grandest power in the entire universe, that it has a more omnipotent force than electricity, attraction, gravitation, or any other of those secret forces which men have called by name, but which they do not understand. – Charles Spurgeon
The Son of God
The Son of God became a man so he could enable men to become sons of God. – C.S. Lewis
Men reject the bible
Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them. -E. Paul Harvey
Watch – Calling All Fathers
“Here’s my new song and video ‘Calling All Fathers.’ Read on to know the story behind why I wrote it.
I want to be the strong leader and father I’m called to be but the truth is, I don’t always love or lead my family the way I’m called to. Rather then pressing on, sometimes I give up when I fall down. I’m so driven by fear to succeed; I ignore what’s really important.
I lead by seeking God’s face, walking in humility, and serving. By truly knowing the heart of each of my family members. These are things I know, but many times I am disinterested, or would rather choose my own self interest.
I serve the God of 2nd chances (even 3rd & 4th…) and every time I’ve told my girls I’m sorry, and that I was wrong they have always forgiven me. It’s never too late for us to get back up and love our children well. I wrote this song to to remind and challenge me and every father to be the men God made us to be. ” -Todd Smith