The devil has no authority over any Christian, except the authority we grant him by believing him. – Jon Bloom
Every Christian should be both conservative and radical…
Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; in preserving the faith and radical in applying it. – John Stott
The Christian man is not allowed to hate anyone.
The Christian man is not allowed to hate anyone. – Charles Spurgeon
If you lack joy, your Christianity must be leaking somewhere.
If you lack joy, your Christianity must be leaking somewhere. – Billy Sunday
In every Christian, there should be a holy shyness about self…
In every Christian, there should be a holy shyness about self and a holy boldness about Jesus. – Scott Sauls
Called, beloved, and kept is the biography of every genuine Christian. (John 10:28-30)
Called, beloved, and kept is the biography of every genuine Christian. (John 10:28-30) – Thabiti Anyabwile