Our problem with following Jesus is we’re trying to be a better version of us rather than a more accurate reflection of Him. – Bob Goff
In every Christian, there should be a holy shyness about self…
In every Christian, there should be a holy shyness about self and a holy boldness about Jesus. – Scott Sauls
You get one life, don’t waste it fearing the opinions of people.
You get one life, don’t waste it fearing the opinions of people. – BJ Thompson
We aren’t called to sameness, we are called to oneness.
We aren’t called to sameness, we are called to oneness. – Propaganda
You don’t need another teaching on self-image
You don’t need another teaching on self-image. You simply need to believe what God says about you. – Debbie Lindell
The foolishness of fools
The foolishness of the fool is the Cinema where the Wisdom of the Wise is showcased. -Sanusi Adetoyese Olabisi InstaQuote
Thank you Sanusi for this wonderful quote!!
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