Start by doing what’s necessary. Then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – St. Francis of Assisi
My job
My job is to take care of the possible and let God handle the impossible. – Christine Caine
Three stages in work
There are three stages in the work of God: Impossible, Difficult and Done. -Hudson Taylor
Stages of God’s work
There are three stages in the work of God: impossible, difficult, done! – Hudson Taylor
God will make a way
God will make a way…where there seems to be no way. –Vanlalmuani
“This picture is one of my best and was taken on my visit to “Panchmarhi” India.” -Vanlalmuani
Thank you so much for this beautiful image and quote Vanlalmuani!!!!
Submit your quote and designs HERE!
Life transformed
It is impossible for a life transformed by Christ to act the same as a life He has not yet touched. -David Alan Campbell