God does not forgive worthy sinners, but guilty ones. That’s what makes forgiveness hard. – Gaye Clark
Useful servants are satisfied when no one applauds them…
Useful servants are satisfied when no one applauds them, as long as everyone applauds Jesus. – Garrett Kell
Worship is the turning
Worship is the turning of our whole attention to the One who is supremely worthy of our attention. – Lesslie Newbigin
There is no way on earth
There is no way on earth to make unworthy souls worthy, but by believing in Christ. -Thomas Brooks
The heaviest obligation
The heaviest obligation lying upon the Church today is to purify and elevate her concept of God until it is once more worthy of Him. -A.W. Tozer
We have a job to do
Our job is to love people…
…without stopping to question if they are worthy of our love or not.