Raising kids with a complaint attitude is good, but raising kids with a transformed heart is best. – Andrew Scott Linder
One effect of secularization
One effect of secularization: our children and grandchildren will not act like Christians unless they are. – Albert Mohler
When I’m worried
When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep. -Bing Crosby
Time To Come Home – Christmas
This is a commercial, but its message moved me to tears. This holiday, make sure your priorities are in line.
Odd how harsh times
Odd how harsh times recalibrate our gratitude. Small gifts are trash to spoiled brats but to the poor in spirit every trinket is solid gold. -Beth Moore
The question isn’t
The question isn’t whether you and your spouse ever argue in front of your kids but whether you repent and forgive in front of them as well. -Burk Parsons