We’ve got to stop throwing band-aids on gaping wounds. Souls need tending. The healer often mends by stitching. It takes time. Trust. Touch. – Beth Moore
Beth Moore
It will become increasingly vital that we learn to distinguish between what is…
It will become increasingly vital that we learn to distinguish between what is pro-Christian and what is actually Christlike. – Beth Moore
Odd how harsh times
Odd how harsh times recalibrate our gratitude. Small gifts are trash to spoiled brats but to the poor in spirit every trinket is solid gold. -Beth Moore
We don’t have to have
We don’t have to have matching plates to sit at the same table as long as Christ is at the head. -Beth Moore
So that thing
So, that thing you were so excited about turned out to be harder than you dreamed. Things that matter always are. ENDURE. Harvest will come. -Beth Moore
Faith is not believing
Faith is not believing in my own unshakable belief. Faith is believing an unshakable God when everything in me trembles and quakes. – Beth Moore