We are not called to grow an audience but to care for Christ’s bride. – J.D. Greear
All of us would be wiser if we would resolve never to put people down…
All of us would be wiser if we would resolve never to put people down, except on our prayer lists. – Don Carson
If the Bible is God’s Word, we must raise up people…
If the Bible is God’s Word, we must raise up people who don’t merely believe the Bible but also know what it says. – Phillip Bethancourt
God’s truths are not bricks to throw at people. They are bread to feed people.
God’s truths are not bricks to throw at people. They are bread to feed people. – Randy Alcorn
You get one life, don’t waste it fearing the opinions of people.
You get one life, don’t waste it fearing the opinions of people. – BJ Thompson
The privilege of leading God’s people never transforms…
The privilege of leading God’s people never transforms the people into the leader’s property. – Timothy Paul Jones